Friday, 25 January 2013

Think Big. Ambient Media.

I want to live in a shoe box!
How amazing is this? There is only a hole in the box, no door. You can walk straight in. A lot of thought has been put into this. The logo next to the door is the most important factor, you straight away know its a trusted brand but what has Adidas put in here? Shoes, the box gives that away! But this cleaver idea of using packaging as a store is creative and creates attention. Isn't that what you want? You pick an Ambient media to create ads that are on unusual items, doing unusual things and in unusual places This isn't your typical type of advertising. You can take something simple and create it into something people would never have thought of. Ambient can be found everywhere! Open your eyes and you might find it, however its mainly advertised in city's rather than towns because of the amount of people.
Human Packaging.
This has shown me that i could manipulate something, be smart and make it wow i didnt think of that. The reason why iv decided to look at ambient media because its fun and can be applied to packaging, however the problem i have is that its literal but it really communicates with the public. Could i communicate my self to people like these ads?
LashBlast Turnstile