Looking on goggle images searching for abstract shapes and paper designs i found the type of designs that link towards this project. Most of the other packaging is too literal. I need a weird and wonderful design that reflects me which is indecisive.
The most complex design is the two rings with rectangles coming off. Its mind boggling! Making this would be far too difficult to make out of paper.
I like the idea of the shapes in a glass, its cute and quirky. The little glass reminds me of a family, mum, dad then the young daughter.
How amazing is the cube with the square colours going smaller and smaller. Do i want to hypnotise people? am i hypnotising Or does it represents i have lots of layers? colours
represents fun? mood? Simple shape (simple person) with a lot going on inside?
Wrapping string, foil cords around the packaging could be creative. Represents the string (graphics) holds me together?
One shape but different colours? simple but eye catching could be a good look for me.